In the last match of the series between India and Australia which was played in Feroz Shah Kotla, Delhi on Wednesday. In this match, despite the strong performance by bowlers, India had to face defeat due to poor batting. In reply to Australia's 272, the Indian team got dismissed to just 237 runs.
Jadhav and Bhuvi tried their level best to take India home, but as soon as they were dismissed, India had no chance in winning the match. These are the 3 biggest reasons why India faced the defeat against Australia in 5th ODI.
1. Unbalanced Playing XI:
India won the first two matches and was expected to with the series with ease but they lost the next 3 games and also the series. The biggest reason for India's defeat is unbalanced playing XI.
Indian team management made some unwanted changing and chopping in this series. After a poor performance, the player was dropped from the next match, which made the players morale down and also the confidence of the team.
2. Poor performance by the opening pair:
After the great partnership on the flat pitch in Mohali, it seemed as if the Indian openers have made a comeback but in the Delhi Dhawan was dismissed for 12 runs and failed to give the team a solid start.
3. Inexperienced middle order:
Apart from Rohit Sharma, after the top order failed, there was no significant contribution from the middle order. Inexperienced batsmen like Pant, Shankar could not handle the scoreboard pressure and threw their wickets away by playing wrong shots.